Release Notes: V1.0.10

Release changes- Summary:

The latest version of Invedent includes the following new functionality and improvements:

1.  Inventory: “Request Barcode Bind” option to bind product barcodes to items in your inventory.


2. Catalogue: autofill of suggested unit cost, preferred supplier, and min/max whenever you add an item to your inventory.


3. Stocktake: a new feature that allows you to perform a stocktake using any of your devices instead of using the scan in/out function used previously.

Release changes- Detailed:

Request Barcode Bind: 

Lets users bind the barcode of any product to an item in their inventory, allowing search by scanning in the future. Simply go to Inventory> Edit> Request Barcode Bind then scan the product barcode.

Auto-fill of Suggested Unit Cost, Preferred Supplier, and Min/Max

An automated suggestion of the following:

  1. Unit Cost: based on the actual average cost of the product from various suppliers.

  2. Preferred Supplier: based on the top supplier that carries the brand name of the product.

  3. Min/Max: a suggested quantity to ensure your practice will never be understocked nor be overstocked anytime.

 You can still edit any of the suggestions to your preferences anytime.

Stocktake | New Feature

We have created a stocktake function to allow us to track key metrics around completing a stocktake. This allows you to access the listed features below without ever having to switch pages:

  1. Scanning Page: search for a product by scanning or searching through the 'Inventory' and 'Catalogue'.

  2. Adjust the item quantity to match the actual count in your stockroom using the +/- button.

  3. Update unit cost, min/max, and preferred supplier.

Method 1:

Method 2:

For any inquiries or feedback please feel free to reach out by sending an email to