Release changes- Summary

The latest version of Invedent includes the following new functionality and improvements:

  1. Ordering: new design to create a more user-friendly ordering interface.

  2. Catalogue Info Button: displays more detailed information about an item from the Catalogue.

  3. Inventory More Information Page: displays more detailed information about an item in your inventory.

  4. Stocktake Button on Scanning Pages: a button on the scanning page that redirects users to the stocktake page

  5. New Terminologies: for item order and stock level status.

Release changes- Detailed

New Ordering Page Design

The new design for the ‘Ordering’ page includes the following:

  1. Supplier Tabs: users can filter items based on the set preferred supplier.

  2. Stock Level Tabs: items are categorized according to their item status.

  3. “Need to Order" tab: removes products that are flagged as back-ordered, ordered and discontinued from your main order list. 

  4. Bulk Update of Item Status.

Generate Order List using Invedent

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Catalogue Info Button

When a user clicks on the ‘Info’ button, it directs the user to a new page called the ‘Catalogue Item’ page where detailed information of the item is displayed, which includes:

  1. Item description

  2. Carton and Unit Type (Carton/box tracking is coming shortly)

  3. Current inventory count (if the item is already in inventory)

Add an Item to your Inventory

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Inventory  ‘More Information’ Button

The new ‘More Information button directs a user to a new page called the ‘Inventory Item’ page, where detailed information of the item is displayed, along with the notes section where users can review, add, or edit notes.

Add or Update Notes to an Item in Inventory

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Stocktake Button- Scanning Pages

Users can now switch to stocktake while using the Scan-out page. By clicking on the ‘Stocktake’ button at the top of the page it will allow you to rectify an incorrect stock count on the shelf. 

Complete a Stocktake

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New Terminologies

The new updates include new terminologies:

Item Status:


Reorder status has been removed as a flag as it served no purpose with the most recent updates. 

Stock Level Status: 


Update Item Status

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If you have any questions about the new updates, please don't hesitate to inform us by sending an email to