What’s New in Invedent?

We’ve released several feature updates that will vastly improve the way you manage stock using Invedent.

Release Changes- Summary  


  1. Stock Locations: organise your stocks into groups with assigned stock location numbers.

  2. New Scan-in and Scan-out process: new options to search by scanning, stock location, or product name.

  3. New Stocktake Mode: complete stocktake in an orderly manner guided by Invedent.

Release Changes- Detailed

Introducing: Stock Locations

  • Assign a stock location number for each of your stocks for easy scan-in or scan-out of items.

  • It eliminates the need for re-printing new stickers every time you add a new item from the catalogue.

  • Customisable location name for easy identification.

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New Scan-in and Scan-out Process


  • Allows an easier and faster search by choosing the option suitable for the user.

  • Eliminate the need to load the camera every time you scan.

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New Stocktake Mode

  • This new stocktake mode features a list of all items in your inventory.

  • Items are arranged according to their stock location in ascending order.

  • Go through the list and complete the stocktake by clicking on the “next item” or “previous item” to navigate.

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Update Stock Count in Inventory

  1. Edit the stock count by clicking on the displayed stock quantity, then typing in the updated stock count.
  2. Eliminates the need to add or remove quantities one by one using the (+) or (-) button.

If you need any assistance with the latest feature releases, please feel free to contact us at support@invedent.com.