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Before implementing Invedent's automated stock management system, it is important to properly prepare your stockroom with the appropriate stock location stickers. This guide will provide you with the necessary information to get your stockroom set up with Invedent's stock location stickers. 

We recommend organizing your stockroom before setting up the stickers.

Understanding the Stock Location Stickers

You will receive five pages of stock location stickers, consisting of 27 main location stickers and 9 sub-locations within each parent location. Please refer to the image below:

Pro Tip: Invedent sends out stock location stickers when you first sign up, but you can also print your own by following this linked guide.

Setting up your Stickers

Please use this guide as a recommendation when setting up your stickers, as each practice may be slightly different.

Start setting up the stickers on one side of the room and stick them on the cupboards as you work up the stock location numbers to the other side of the room. The idea is to stick the stickers on the cupboards and shelves in the same order that you would run a stocktake. When using Invedent to run a stocktake, the system will walk you through the location numbers in ascending order (lowest to highest).

For example, if you set up your stickers with the lowest stock location numbers on the left side of the stockroom and work your way to the right side, Invedent will start the stocktake from the left and work its way to the right in order of the stock location stickers.

Pro Tip: Map out where you plan to put the stickers before sticking them onto the shelves. For cupboards that are regularly cleaned, such as dirty sterilization areas, it is recommended to place the clear sticky tape on the outside of the sticker to prevent water damage.

For cupboards with a lot of stock on each shelf, use two stock location stickers for each shelf.

For cupboards with less tock on each shelf, use a single stock location sticker for both shelves.


When sticking down your stickers, keep these things in mind:

  1. Do not fold the data matrix barcode
  2. Place sticky tape over the top of cupboards that are regularly cleaned to prevent water and leaning products from leaking into the stickers.

Call (08) 6119 3699 for advice on the best way to set up your practice's stockroom for the stock location stickers.

What's Next? Create Stock Locations on Invedent App