👋  Welcome to Invedent!


We can't wait to show you how easy managing stock and doing the ordering can be when using Invedent. To start your Invedent journey, please follow the steps in this guide. If you happen to get stuck at any point during the setup process, please feel free to reach out to our team directly via email or in-app messenger.

Quick Setup Tips 

We highly recommend you complete the quick setup tips:

1. Save your Invedent username and password to your browser so you don't forget your password [Saving your username and password to your browser]

2. Add Invedent as a bookmark on all of the computers and devices you usually use to manage stock and do the ordering [Add Invedent as a bookmark in your browser]

3.** IMPORTANT STEP ** Set Invedent up on your mobile device to manage and reorder dental stock [Setup Invedent on your practice device] 

3. Add any additional users to your account and set up different user permissions [Adding additional users to your account] 

Getting Started With Invedent 

Here are some quick links that are going to get you started; each setup must be completed:

1. Connect all your supplier information to your Invedent account. [Connect your preferred suppliers]

2. Create and send your first order to your suppliers. [Create and send your order using Invedent]

3. Reconcile orders when they arrive [Reconcile orders when they arrive]

What's next?