Invedent's Order Dashboard is a one-stop feature that allows you to manage and track your orders across all suppliers in different statuses.

This guide aims to equip you with knowledge on keeping yourself on top of your orders. To start, navigate yourself to the orders page, where you will find the dashboard:

Order Dashboard

Here you can reconcile and track the status of your completed orders across suppliers.

The system automatically places your orders into different tabs depending on their status. You will also be able to see information such as the total cost of each order, the ordering date, and the method used to process the order.

For Email Orders, you can track if your supplier has accepted your orders; if the order has been pending for more than a day, we suggest calling the supplier or rep to see if they have received the email.

The dashboard also has a button to manage supplier information; if you are unsure how this works, click here to read the complete user guide.

What's Next: Reconcile orders when they arrive

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