We have prepared this user guide to serve as a summary and outline of how you can get your practice to implement Invedent efficiently.

Setup User Accounts

One critical aspect of efficient stock management is compliance with the process. To achieve this, it is essential to ensure that every member of the dental practice has access to Invedent. The best way to ensure this is to set up user accounts for each individual involved.

Creating user accounts allows you to allocate specific roles and responsibilities to individuals, providing clarity and improving efficiency. For instance, you can assign one person to receive and input orders while another is responsible for checking inventory levels.

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Setup Invedent on your Mobile Device

By setting up Invedent on your mobile device, you can access your inventory management system anytime and anywhere in your dental practice. This means you can keep track of inventory levels, generate purchase orders, and manage stock movements on the go without having to be tied to a desktop computer.

Setting up Invedent on your mobile device is straightforward, enabling you to manage your inventory efficiently and effectively. This feature lets you stay on top of your inventory management tasks and ensure your stockroom is always organized and well-stocked.

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Setup Invedent Inventory

To streamline your stock management process, you must set up your Invedent inventory by adding all the items you frequently order. This creates a comprehensive list of the items in your stockroom and enables easy tracking of inventory levels.

Using Invedent to manage your inventory eliminates the need for manual methods such as whiteboards and sticky notes. This makes it easier for everyone in the dental practice to stay informed about the status of each item in stock, including which items are running low and need reordering.

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Setup your Stockroom with Stock Location Stickers

Organize your stockroom and set up Invedent's stock location stickers; This process ensures that your stockroom is organized and everyone in your practice knows where each item is stored. 

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Select your Stock Management Process

Having the proper stock management process is crucial when managing your dental practice's inventory. Fortunately, Invedent allows you to select the best method for your dental practice.

Invedent provides a range of features to automate your stock management, from tracking inventory levels to automatically generating order quantities. This enables you to streamline your inventory management process, reduce manual errors, and minimize the risk of stockouts. With Invedent, you can focus on providing quality patient care without worrying about inventory management.

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